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Desert Highlander

The Desert Highlander
Newsletter for

is now on-line

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Newsletter Editor
Iain Lundy

Visit our Membership Page
to Join or Renew

We have reset the membership year to start with the annual Scottish Games.

Phone Booth

The Caledonian Society
of Arizona

P.O. Box 50092
Phoenix, AZ 85076

Caledonian Society Gatherings
Before COVID, we held regular gatherings, often on the second Thursday of each month - frequently at the Irish Cultural Center, 1106 N. Central Ave., Phoenix - but sometimes at other locations around the Valley. Watch this website and our Facebook Page for any updates.

The Irish Cultural Center located at:

At each Gathering members enjoy a presentation on topics such as Scottish culture and history or performances by dancers and/or musicians. The Society at times is onvolved with events sponsored by the Celtic community, such as the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Please join us! We’d love to meet you!

 © Copyright 2009-2024 - The Caledonian Society of Arizona