March 2017

In this Issue:

 March Gathering  Society Officers
Letter From the Editor  Coming Events: Valley & Other
 2017 Phoenix Scottish Games  A Word from our Advertisers

March Gathering - 3/16/2017


Born Fighting

Please join us Thursday March 16th for our
6:00 PM ~ Thursday ~ March 16th

Rosie McCaffrey's Pub, 906 E Camelback Road, Phoenix
Order from menu
No formal program, but comments & feedback about the
March 4-5 Scottish Games will be welcome

Letter from the Editor, Don Finch

Dear fellow Caledonians:  

March is important to our fellow Celts with the Welsh celebrating St. David’s Day on the 1st; the Cornish celebrate St. Pirans’ Day on the 5th; and the Irish of course recognize St. Patrick on the 17th. And then there’s that 53-year-old tradition – the Phoenix Scottish Games which we celebrated last weekend.

Thanks to all who organized, attended and participated, especially our Games V.P., Paul Bell. Here’s part of a letter he sent to his team:

You all went above and beyond to make each of our guests feel welcome. I have seen and heard nothing but great reviews! I was stopped during the Games by guests and vendors who raved about the event. Mark Pelletier was approached by a gentleman who ran a Scottish Games in California and his comment was that (paraphrasing) he had not attended a Games that was run as well as what he had seen at ours!!

Your newsletter team is still catching up, so we’re publishing photos and comments from the Area Chairs. Our regular Newsletter format returns next month.

Don FinchAfter you’re through reading them, please make a note on the calendar that our March Gathering will be Thursday March 16th at 6:00 pm at Rosie McCaffrey’s Pub, 906 E Camelback Road, in Phoenix.

Look for additional details on our website and on Facebook.

Don Finch, Editor

The 2017 Phoenix Scottish Games
Chief McBain Souvenir booth, Caldwells
Chief of the Games, McBain of McBain Ginni & Tom Caldwell sell CSA souvenirs
Jean Latimer Nessie
Past President Jean Latimer is honored for her years of service to the Society Nessie inspects the Coast Guard boat
Mesa Caledonian playing ALexandra taking photos
Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band plays in the Clan Village Alexandra (right) took photos of visitors in Scottish garb
Kids archery Princess Merida
Archery in the Kids Area Princess Merida and her "mini-me"
Kids with passports WEndy Cook and friends
Kids won a Saltire flag for getting Clan stamps Wendy Cook with a young Scotsman
Woody McCloud Clan TuUrnbull
Woody McCloud, the tallest Scotsman Clan Turnbull wins the Best Clan Tent Award
MAssed Bands at Opening Ceremony
Massed Bands at the Opening Ceremony
Stoneybank plays in the Learner's Arms
Kids area
It was always busy in the Kids area
Genealogy tent
Lots of information was available in the Genealogy tent
De Mairt Ceol
De Mairt Ceol plays in the Learner's Arms
Clan Gunn
Clan Gunn was one of 45 Clans exhibiting
Crowds at Genealogy
Crowds seek their ancestry at the Genealogy tent
Blackthorn Band
Blackthorn is visited by CSA's David NcBee
1966 SuUnbeam Tiger
Presidents's Choice Award Winner - 1966 Sunbeam Tiger
owned by Tom & Debi Clare
2005 Lotus Elise
Chairman's Choice Award Winner - 2005 Lotus Elise
owned by Paul Jankowski
Download a list of all British Car Show Winners

Coming Events: Valley, Arizona, and Nearby States
North American Highland Games Calendar available at Clan Campbell Society

March 11 Phoenix St. Patrick's Day Parade and Fair
March 16 Monthly Gathering, Rosie McCaffrey's
March 17 St. Patrick's Day at the ICC
March 19 Mesa Caledonian, 10 AM Service, St. Mark's Episcopal
April 1 Tartan Day Scottish Faire, Fremont CA
April 8 Our Tartan Day Celebration, TBA
April 8-9 Colorado Tartan Day, Longmont CO
April 29-30 Las Vegas Celtic Gathering, Las Vegas NV
April 29-30 Sacremento Valley Games, WOodland CA

Membership Renewal Reminder

Dues are still only $25 Single and $40 Family. This admits you to all our wonderful monthly events with food and entertainment provided.

It’s easy to pay by credit card at our On-Line Shopping Cart - just jump to the Membership Page

Society Gatherings
Regular membership gatherings are usually held the second Thursday of each month at the Irish Cultural Center, 1106 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ. beginning at 6:30 pm. Please check our website for further details.

Caledonian Society Officers
President: Don Finch
Immediate Past President: Mark Clark
Past President: (2010 – 2012) Jean Latimer
Vice President Administration: Mark Pelletier
Vice President Games: Paul Bell
Vice President Membership : David McBee
Secretary Ginni Caldwell
Treasurer: Vicki Phegley
Trustee 1: Ian Warrander
Trustee 2: Thom von Hapsburg
Trustee 3: Dan Miller
Newsletter Editor:

Don Finch
Statutory Agent: Dan Miller
Chief Genealogist & Historian: Robert Wilbanks

A Word from our Advertisers

Kilt Rental USA

Len Wood
Bagpiper USB

Lois Wallace


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