Letter from the Editor, Don Finch
Dear fellow Caledonians:
March is important to our fellow Celts with the Welsh celebrating St. David’s Day on the 1st; the Cornish celebrate St. Pirans’ Day on the 5th; and the Irish of course recognize St. Patrick on the 17th. And then there’s that 53-year-old tradition – the Phoenix Scottish Games which we celebrated last weekend.
Thanks to all who organized, attended and participated, especially our Games V.P., Paul Bell. Here’s part of a letter he sent to his team:
“You all went above and beyond to make each of our guests feel welcome. I have seen and heard nothing but great reviews! I was stopped during the Games by guests and vendors who raved about the event. Mark Pelletier was approached by a gentleman who ran a Scottish Games in California and his comment was that (paraphrasing) he had not attended a Games that was run as well as what he had seen at ours!!
Your newsletter team is still catching up, so we’re publishing photos and comments from the Area Chairs. Our regular Newsletter format returns next month.
After you’re through reading them, please make a note on the calendar that our March Gathering will be Thursday March 16th at 6:00 pm at Rosie McCaffrey’s Pub, 906 E Camelback Road, in Phoenix.
Look for additional details on our website and on Facebook.
Don Finch, Editor