May 2016

In this Issue:

 May Gathering Announcement  Highland Games - Arizona & Nearby
 Letter From the Editor  Coming Events & Celebrations
 Highland Games Dance Results  Society Officers
 In the Community  A Word from our Advertisers
 May Historical Article  

May 2016 Gathering


How To Wear a Kilt, Part 2 and
The Formation of the Royal Regiment of Scotland
Royal Scots Regiment



Bluegrass music roots are from Scotland and Ireland
String 'Em Up Band

6:30 pm ----------- Social half hour
7:00 pm ------------ Jimmy Carlisle
7:45 pm ---------------- Intermission
8:00 pm --------- String ‘Em Up Band
8:45 pm ------------ 50/50 drawing

Members --------------------- Always Free
Non-members -- $5.00 donation requested

Letter from the Editor, Don Finch

Dear fellow Caledonians:

In May 1933 the modern legend of the Loch Ness monster was born when the Inverness Courier related an account of a local couple who claimed to have seen “an enormous animal rolling and plunging on the surface.” The story of the “monster” (a moniker chosen by the Courier editor) became a media phenomenon, with London newspapers sending correspondents to Scotland and a circus offering a 20,000 pound sterling reward for capture of the beast. (Wikipedia).

In May of 2016 there are still many newsworthy events in Scotland but perhaps they’re not as dramatic as Nessie’s sighting 83 years ago! There’s fun for all whisky lovers with five days of whisky, food and music at the ‘Spirit of Speyside’. The ‘Isle of Bute Jazz Festival’ has become one of Britain’s most popular jazz weekends. There are several walking festivals and around 100,000 people will throng the capitol to watch runners leave Princes Street and finish in Holyrood Park at ‘The Edinburgh Marathon’.

Back in January we were enlightened and entertained by CSA member Jimmy Carlisle’s talk on ‘How to Wear a Kilt’ from the perspective of a retired member of the Royal Scots Regiment. Many attendees let us know they wanted ‘more Jimmy’ so he’s agreed to finish the story of those official kilts and perhaps, what a soldier wears underneath them! He’s also going to talk about the merger of seven regiments in the British Army’s Scottish Division and how they became the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

Did you know that the Bluegrass music we associate with the hills of Kentucky, Tennessee and the Carolinas originated as Scottish ballads and Irish dance reels? Performing at our May Gathering is ‘The String ‘Em Up Band’, a group of local east valley musicians who play both traditional and modern bluegrass songs.

We’ll be announcing the results of the Board Election and introducing the slate which will officially take office on July 1st.

Don’t forget to put the weekend of May 14th and 15th on your calendar for the Prescott Highland Games at Loch Watson. More details can be found at

Don FinchFinally, save the date of Saturday December 3rd, 2016 for the Society’s St. Andrew’s Day Dinner & Dance at the Phoenix Country Club. We’ll be joining Scots around the world to pay tribute to St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. Holding this formal evening in early December will allow us to join with other local Scots at a combined informal Robbie Burns Supper in January.!


Don Finch, Editor

2016 Highland Games Dance Results

Dance Competition - March 18, 2016 - Judge: Ashley Stowkowy

---- Download the List of Full Detail Results and All Dancer Names ----

Classification: BEGINNERS

- Aggregate Trophy: Shaely Moodie      
- Dancer of the Day: Isabella Doouglas     

Classification: NOVICE

- Aggregate Trophy: Dylanay Norris
- Dancer of the Day: Alexandra Nuzzo      

Classification: INTERMEDIATE

- Aggregate Trophy: Piper Johnson     
- Dancer of the Day: Sarah Klemmer 

Classification: PREMIER 11 & UNDER

- Aggregate Trophy: Mya Pilat         

Classification: PREMIER 12 & UNDER 15

- Aggregate Trophy: Beret Dernbach   

Classification: PREMIER 15 & OVER

- Aggregate Trophy: Megan Ashworth         
- Dancer of the Day: Anna Scott      


In the Community
Jim Morrison

CSA member Jim Morrison responded to an invitation from 6th grader Andrew Guzman to attend a World Fair on March 28th at his school, BASIS Phoenix Central which is on Indianola Avenue in Phoenix.

Jim Morrison

Jim reports: “There was quite a good turnout at the school and a few heads were turned when they saw me standing there in my kilt.  There was an Indian chap there dressed in his traditional costume, I think he had the better deal, it certainly was a bit cooler for him than for me dressed in a full weight kilt and Prince Charlie!!Mrs. Guzman had made some tablet and oatcakes which went down well.Cheers the noo,Jim”


The Antonine Wall
by Jo Ramsdell

The Romans first invaded Britain in 55BC but did not launch a real and lasting invasion until AD 43.  Some 30 years later they reached Scotland, when Julius Agricola launched his campaign north.  By both land and sea, it took only seven years for him to take control of much of Scotland.  Some forts were built along what would later become the line of the Antonine Wall.

Antonius PiusAround AD 122 the Roman Emperor Hadrian consolidated the northern Scottish frontier at the Tyne-Solway isthmus with the construction of Hadrian’s Wall. 

On Hadrian’s death in AD 138, Antoninus Pius (reigned AD 138-161) succeeded to the throne. 

Little is known about Antoninus despite a 23 year reign.  He had no military experience but had held senior administrative posts.

It was perhaps to consolidate his position as Emperor and demonstrate military might, that Antoninus chose to re-invade Scotland.  A series of supply forts, roads and fortlets were constructed on the routes up to the new frontier line of the Forth-Clyde isthmus.  Construction on the Antonine Wal and its many forts commenced around AD 142. 

Hadrian's Wall map By far the biggest engineering project ever undertaken in the area, the Antonine Wall snaked right across the country from Clyde to Forth. 

It took no notice of earlier native settlements and cut through pre-existing tribal boundries.  The Wall was entirely built by members of three Roman legions stationed in Scotland, a labor force of around 7,000 men.

Unlike its stone built southern neighbor, Hadrian’s Wall, the rampart wall was constructed mostly of layers of turf and reached a height of three metres.  Not just a wall, the defences also included a hug ditch, nearly 5 metres deep in places.  Seventeen forts plus additional fortlets accommodated the 6,000-7,000 men stationed along the wall.  The military way, a service road built to the south of the Wall enabled troops to move swiftly along its course, bearing supplies. 

Antonine Wall

Around AD 158 the order came from the Emperor to withdraw from Scotland. The Wall and its forts were abandoned, buildings were destroyed, burned or dismantled, and the soldiers marched off south.  After the Romans left Britain the Wall became part of the surrounding countryside.  On departure, the rampart was not demolished, nor was the ditch filled in.

The Romans returned to Scotland on limited occasions, but they appear to have abandoned further attempts to conquer Scotland.  Around AD 411 the official Roman occupation of Britain ended.  It wasn’t until the 18th century that antiquaries Alexander Gordon and John Horsley helped to identify long lost sites and mapmaker William Roy surveyed the Wall in 1755. 

 Map from Wikipedia - Photo from

Highland Games - Arizona and Bordering States
Compiled by Clan Campbell Society NA
May 14-15 Prescott Highland Games   (Prescott AZ)
May 21-22 Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival   (Albuquerque NM)
May 28-29 Scottish Fest   (Costa Mesa, CA)
June 4 Modesto Highland Games   (Modesto, CA)
June 10-11 Utah Scottish Festival & Highland Game   (Levi UT)
June 17-19 Pikes Peak Celtic Festival   (Colorado Springs CO)
June 18-19 Mother Lode Highland Games   (Plymouth CA)
June 25-26 San Diego Highland Games   (Vista CA)
July 8-9 Payson Scottish Festival   (Payson UT)
July 16-17 Arizona Highland Celtic Festival   (Flagstaff AZ)
July 16-17 Elizabeth Celtic Festival   (Elizabeth CO)

Upcoming Events and Celebrations
If you would like your special date recognized in our monthly newsletter, we need to hear from you. Please let us know your correct birthday and anniversary information by email to and it will be included in our Celebration list.

May 12 CSA May Gathering - ICC- 6:30 PM
May 14-15 Prescott Highland Game
June 9 CSA June Gathering - ICC- 6:30 PM
July 8-15 Jim Thomson School of Piping & Drumming, Flagstaff
July 16-17 Flagstaff Highland Game

Membership Renewal Reminder

Dues are still only $25 Single and $40 Family. This admits you to all our wonderful monthly events with food and entertainment provided.

It’s easy to pay by credit card or PayPal, just jump to the Membership Page

Society Gatherings
Regular membership gatherings are held the second Thursday of each month at the Irish Cultural Center, 1106 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ. beginning at 6:30 pm. Come join us or log on to

Caledonian Society Officers
President: Don Finch
Immediate Past President: Mark Clark
Past President: (2010 – 2012) Jean Latimer
Vice President & Membership Chair: Ian Warrander
Secretary Vicki Phegley
Treasurer: David McBee
Games Chair
Paul Bell
Trustee 1: Mark Pelletier
Trustee 2: Michelle Crownhart
Trustee 3: Thom von Hapsburg
Newsletter Editor:

Don Finch
Statutory Agent: Dan Miller

A Word from our Advertisers

Kilt Rental USA

Bagpiper USA
Len Wood

Lois Wallace


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